Low-current systems
AS Pristis offers the construction of the following low-voltage systems
Security and access control systems
Nobody can break into your premises because the security system notices every event. The alarm system can be connected to a variety of sensors that detect movement, door opening, broken glass, vibration, water, etc. The alarm system registers and transmits an alarm signal to security service providers control center.
Automatic fire alarm systems and gas extinguishing systems
The Automatic Fire Alarm System is designed to provide an alarm at the earliest possible stage.
Public address, conference and translation systems
Public address and announcement systems are needed in places where large numbers of people need to communicate
Data communication networks
DATA cabling using a Cat 6 or Cat 6A cable is the most advanced solution for computer and telephone networks. Backbone connections can be made using fiber optics.
Doorphone, Nurse call and Cell call systems
Security and care are essential requirements for any modern nursing home and hospital.
Customer Counting and Queue management Systems
Customer counting systems allow merchants to collect data on visitor numbers and conversion rate, i.e.% of visitors who made a purchase.
Pneumatic transport systems
Pneumatic transport systems provide secure, fast and reliable access to laboratory samples and medicines, cash, documents, small details, etc. transport in the health, trade, industry and banking sectors.
How do we do that?
Optimal solutions for building a low-voltage solution are found in cooperation with the Clientr, with the aim of ensuring that the requirements are met at the optimum cost
in partnership with international suppliers of equipment we offer and based on their experience, we can provide solutions for even the most complex buildings and facilities
the advice of our specialists is highly valued in the largest design companies in Estonia and the cooperation of highly experienced specialists ensures the best result for the client
AS Pristis is a prime contractor among the general contractors you can always count on
The process
Identifying customer needs
Development of possible alternative solutions, their introduction to the client
Clients acceptance for the offered solutions
Price offer
Signing a contract
Preparation of work project
Execution of works
Delivery of works and Customer training
Maintenance of systems
They use this service
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If you are interested in building a low current system, please contact our representative. Our technical and business experienced consultants can advise and talk about solutions in more detail.