Why to choose the nurse call from Pristis ?

Nurse call system
Call buttons are located near hospital beds and allow patients to call nurses and doctors. When the button is pressed, the CPU on the staff post informs the caregiver of the need for assistance. The systems cause alarms at the nurses’ workplace, requiring nurses to actually visit the patient’s ward and locate the patient’s needs on the spot. The nurse is informed by a light and / or acoustic signal when the button is pressed. Simpler systems allow the challenge to be canceled from the patient’s bedside device.

More sophisticated systems allow the patient to talk from the bed. The advantage of such systems is the speed of response to determine whether a situation is critical and needs immediate response.

Nurse call systems can be connected to communication systems and other communication platforms. Call invitation integration allows multiple alarms to be sent to mobile or various text messaging devices. The text message may contain, among other things. location, time and type of alarm. More advanced integrated systems allow staff to accept, refuse, accelerate, or transmit interference from a nurse profession.

Doorphone systems
Doorphone systems are used in the building (s) and provide both audio and video. Door phones can be connected to public address systems, telephones and other systems. Doorphone systems allow you to control lighting and door locks. Digital door phone systems can be connected to computer networks for communicating with callers including telecommuting.

Doorphone systems are mainly used in offices, industrial sites and apartment buildings where security requirements are not high and the main focus is on identifying visitors and allowing access to enclosed areas. A variety of sizing solutions are implemented from single-family homes to matrix solutions for large buildings, allowing simultaneous connections and door locks.

Cell Call systems
Cell Call systems are built for use in the prison environment. The cell-mounted parts have a strong stainless steel construction. The system saves the usage log and the installation is tamper-proof, which prevents misuse of the system.

How do we do that?

Cooperation with Costumers

Optimal solutions for building a low-voltage solution are found in cooperation with the Clientr, with the aim of ensuring that the requirements are met at the optimum cost

Cooperation with suppliers

in partnership with international suppliers of equipment we offer and based on their experience, we can provide solutions for even the most complex buildings and facilities

Coperation with designers

the advice of our specialists is highly valued in the largest design companies in Estonia and the cooperation of highly experienced specialists ensures the best result for the client

Cooperation with general contractors

AS Pristis is a prime contractor among the general contractors you can always count on

The process


Identifying customer needs


Development of possible alternative solutions, their introduction to the client


Clients acceptance for the offered solutions


Price offer


Signing a contract


Preparation of work project


Execution of works


Delivery of works and Customer training


Maintenance of systems

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Ain KäppTegevjuht / TallinnHotels

If you are interested in building a low current system, please contact our representative. Our technical and business experienced consultants can advise and talk about solutions in more detail.


Janek MesipuuMüügijuht – automaatika, nõrkvool
Mart ParboMüügijuht – automaatika, nõrkvool

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