Lighting automation
Why choose lighting automation from Pristis ?
In short, lighting automation aims to reduce electricity costs by 50% while providing optimum lighting at the right place and at the right time.
For daylight control, the lighting used must support the dimming of the light source. The best solution here is the DALI (digital adressable light interface) luminaires, which also provide customers with important luminaire-based information about the luminaire (whether the light source is in working order, luminaire operating hours, etc.), which greatly facilitates the operation and maintenance of the luminaires.
You can get a good overview of how the system works by watching the video at the following address,
as well as in warehouses:
How do we do that?
the lights are switched on / off according to a preset time program
A good example here is to turn on the office building hallway lighting in the morning and switched off it at the end of the working day.
the lights are on when there is a person in the room or in a defined area. Other times the lights are switched off
The resulting energy savings from lighting with this solution are in the range of 40-60%.
The intensity of the luminaires is adjusted according to the intensity of natural light
The process
Identifying customer needs and expectations
Finding the right control solution for the luminaires used
Developing a project solution
Introducing the solution to the customer, coordination
Building and programming
Delivery of work and customer training
After-sales service and technical support
They use this service
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If you are interested in Fire Safety Systems Automation, please contact our representative. Our technical and business experienced consultants can advise and talk about solutions in more detail.